Assembly Magazine Highlights CRG Automation’s Work for the U.S. Military
Improved automation systems increase efficiency and safety of chemical weapon destruction
DECEMBER 1, 2021 — LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY — Assembly Magazine today published an in-depth article on CRG Automation’s work with the U.S. Army to more efficiently and safely destroy an aging stockpile of chemical weapons.
The military took the unprecedented step in mid-2019 of rethinking the entire process, despite a looming 2023 demilitarization deadline. With that timeframe in mind, the government used a contracting mechanism first established in NASA’s 1950s race to space to bring in private-sector industry leaders and turned to CRG Automation to help develop the critical automation improvements needed.
“As a past member of the military, this project took on a special importance for me,” said CRG Automation President James DeSmet. “The team not only redefined a complex process but took it a step further.”
Click here to read the article published by Assembly Magazine, a leading publication for manufacturing professionals responsible for engineering and managing product assembly operations throughout the original equipment market. The publication, which is distributed monthly, helps them make assembly-related decisions and develop solutions to assembly problems.